To be honest, after getting battered a couple of times early on in the game I avoided even taking Giants on until now.
There is no wildlife that i'm afraid of any more. I use destruction spells/archery mostly though, so I don't let most wildlife get near me, and when it does get too close I use my ice shout to freeze the bugger so I can get some distance on it again
Up to level 24 now, staring to get fairly powerful. Took down my first Giants last night.
Even after 60+ hours this thing keeps throwing up golden moments. I still feel that I've done so little as well. There's gotta be another 200 hours of gametime in this first play through, the way i'm playing it.
Despite its minor issues/quirks and bugs (of which I've encountered about 3..none of which were anywhere near game-breaking) this is the best single player game I've played in 30 years of gaming, and i'm not really an RPG fan.
To think its only going to get better with patches, DLC and some major mods is awesome.
He said it was not even close to how the real thing drives! I don't know what comment you're twisting to come up with "he said it's fine" but that certainly wasn't his opinion several months ago. End of story.
They used the physics for one of the impalas as the base for that car, and it shows. It also brings out all the worst characteristics of the old Tyre model.
I'm not saying people shouldn't enjoy driving's a free world, but it's definitely not a "good" car in any way at the moment and its not in the slightest bit realistic to drive.
Mildy amusing to do a few laps in, but absolutely nothing like a V8 supercar. Ask Shane van Gisbergen. Actually don't bother, he's already been asked. "not even close" was his response. Luckily he's helping them to get it right, so it might well be a decent car in the future.
Agreed with the Radical though..that IS a must have car. (As is the Lotus)
Hmm, the UI is possibly the worst designed UI I've ever seen for KB/M players.
I'm used to it now and can navigate around things, but it's still a pain to use. It could have been made 1000X better, but they obviously assumed everone uses an xbox controller
I also want to be able to sort my weapons/apparel by type, not by bloody alphabetical order ! Who came up with that shit!
Still, nothing game breaking, just very inconvenient at times. Hopefully the modders can come up with an alternative soon.
Still loving it despite some silly bugs and the UI In something of this scale some bugs are completely expected. I've only come across one bad bug so far, that prevents me continuing on a side quest. I've read that there are quite a few quest killing bugs, guess I've just been lucky so far.
WTF? It's only been out for three days. You must have fast traveled everywhere and not done hardly any side quests...
I hope it takes me weeks to complete it. I've done about 30 hours so far, I'm only level 11, I've not fast traveled anywhere, i'm doing every side quest I can. You miss so much if you just speed through the game like you must have done.
It is the most immersive game I've ever played in 30 years of gaming.. and i hate RPG's!
Pablo, don't waste your time replying to Blue Flame. He's a know-it-all dickhead, who generally knows nothing at all.
It's completely pointless having a conversation with him. (On any subject. If your view on something differs from his he will either call you a liar, or ignore your view entirely.)
There a good 5 degrees difference on the FOV from the sim car, which naturally makes everything look a bit narrower.
As Tristan was driving there recently i'll take his view that it looks fine as correct.
I'm no iRacing fanboy, but when it comes to the tracks they have always got it spot on. I fail to see how the track could be incorrect in width when it's been laser scanned. That's the whole point of the process.
I could accept it being a couple of centimeters out, but there's no way it could be 50cm out as you are claiming.
You really are clutching at straws. It obvious the FOV of the sim car is different to the vid from the real car. That's what is making it look different.
I found that the FFB on cars with the NTM is just numb compared to the OTM. All the subtle detail in the track surface is gone with the NTM. I hated it, It was a big factor in me leaving iRacing.
I was hoping to hear that things had improved. Doesn't sound like it has.